Talks and seminars
Here are recent talks, seminars and conference presentations made by members of the lab. You’ll also find links to slides or video recordings where avaliable.
Exactly marginal deformations and their supergravity duals
Generalized Geometry Meets String Theory, University of Granada, Spain slides
Exactly marginal deformations and their supergravity duals
New Deformations of Quantum Field and Gravity Theories, MATRIX, Australia
Discrete lattice gauge theories via neural network quantum states
Strings, Field and Deep Learning, Aspen Center for Physics, USA slides
Physics in the age of AI: quantum physics to string theory
Departmental colloquium, Skidmore College, USA
Machine learning for geometry and string compactifications
String Theory Seminar, BIMSA, China
Machine learning for geometry and string compactifications
String Theory Seminar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Machine learning for geometry and string compactifications
Rencontres Théoriciennes, Joint Paris Theory Seminar
Machine Learning for String Compactifications
Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA